The Summer Camp Handbook: Everything You Need to Find, Choose and Get Ready for Overnight Camp-and Skip the Homesickness

By Christopher A. Thurber, Ph.D. and Jon C. Malinowski, Ph.D.

There are many sound suggestions to help children adjust to camp, prepare for leaving home, become more independent, and enjoy the camping experience. The book also includes lists of questions to ask, checklists of things to consider, suggestions for helping children cope and prepare for opening day, and the sidebars are intelligible and helpful.

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Homesick and Happy: How Time Away from Parents Can Help a Child Grow

By Michael Thompson, Ph.D.

An insightful and powerful look at the magic of summer camp and why it is so important for children to get away from home….if only for a little while.

Available on Amazon

Bullyproof Your Child for Life: Protect Your Child from Teasing, Taunting, and Bullying for Good

By Dr. Joel Haber, Ph.D. and Jenna Glatzer

This book delivers a practical, supportive, and step-by-step “bully proofing prescription.” It also provides specific steps to help children build resilience, confidence, compassion, and trust.

Available on Amazon

Last Child in the Woods: Saving Our Children from Nature-Deficit Disorder

By Richard Louv

In Last Child in the Woods, Richard Louv brings together cutting-edge studies that point to direct exposure to nature as essential for a child’s healthy physical and emotional development.

Available on Amazon

Raising Cain - Protecting the Emotional Life of Boys

By Dan Kindlon, Ph.D. and Michael Thompson, Ph.D.

What do boys need that they’re not getting? This book illuminates the forces that threaten our boys such as the idea that “cool” equals macho strength and stoicism. Cutting through outdated theories of “mother blame,” “boy biology,” and “testosterone,” the authors shed light on the destructive emotional training our boys receive - the emotional miseducation of boys.

Available on Amazon

The Confidence Code: Taking Risks, Messing Up, and Becoming Your Amazingly Imperfect, Totally Powerful Self

By Katty Kay, Claire Shipman, and Jill Ellyn Riley

Many girls are consumed by self-doubt on the inside, especially during the tween and teen years, but if they can crack the confidence code, they can learn how to set worries aside and focus their energy on what’s really important: confidently pursuing their dreams and embracing their authentic selves.

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