Camp Ramaquois

Pomona, New York

Camp VideoReviewsMeet the Directors

4 - 8 weeks

A day camp as complete as a sleepaway camp.

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Interested in Camp Ramaquois and want to learn more? CampGroup Premier Day Camps are the best day camps in New York. Camp Ramaquois serves Rockland County, Westchester, Bergen, & Manhattan.

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Camp Program

Ramaquois is a traditional day camp for boys & girls, ages 3-15 with adventurous activities, creative arts and athletic activities. There is an optional adventure trip program for grades entering 3rd - 10th.

Ramaquois Dates & Rates

Camp Facilities

Ramaquois has an air-conditioned indoor gym, 5-acre crystalline lake, 9 heated swimming pools, a splash park, tennis, basketball & volleyball courts, hockey rinks, ball fields, a soccer field, a soccer rink, a petting zoo, special events & much more.

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Camp Ramaquois Reviews

Honestly, there are no words. I was so sad watching the twins get off the bus on the last day. Ramaquois has been so amazing. It made them brave, more confident, and showed them they were true campers. Thank you for everything. All three of my children are better for having gone to Ramaquois.Parent

I can’t begin to tell you how happy we are and how happy Wyatt is!!! Being surrounded yesterday by so many happy kids and such a positive environment was infectious. It was such a pleasure to remember what camp is meant for and how taking yourself away from your phone makes you remember when life was simpler. Thanks for all you do!Parent

Today was such a great day for Jude. I couldn’t believe that was him on the zip line when I saw the photo! I had to zoom in twice because it’s so uncharacteristic of him. When he got home he was soooo proud of himself. So amazing to see.Parent

Ramaquois has taught Sydney confidence, team building and goal setting. It has taught her about taking chances, trying new sports and to laugh and sing. Sydney is everything to us and Ramaquois is everything to her. Thank you for this beautiful gift you have given us. Ramaquois is not only part of our conversation and hearts in the summer but year round.Parent

Meet the Camp Directors

Explore the CampGroup Family of Day Camps

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